
Matching Modern Office Furniture to the Way You Work
Matching Modern Office Furniture to the Way You Work

Matching Modern Office Furniture to the Way You Work

When Brittany from Atlanta, Georgia fell in love with one of our modern office desks (the Giza) for her office, she didn’t have a lot of the details ironed out. I recall that she sent over a plethora of pictures of modern office furniture she liked. What she was missing, though, was a clear understanding of how to marry the style she preferred with all of the functionality she needed in order to be organized. Organization represented a really important consideration in her furniture selectio...

Aimpoint gets a new look
Aimpoint gets a new look

Ohio based Aimpoint Research ordered 90 Degree Office Concepts' Naples Modern Reception Desk to make a statement in the lobby of their new office.

How to Buy a Valued-Based Modern Reception Desk Without Overpaying
How to Buy a Valued-Based Modern Reception Desk Without Overpaying
Value as Perceived through Presentation

“Garçon, please bring the water menu!”
“Really? A water menu?”

There is a story about a high-end restaurant that sold specialty branded water to its patrons for over $8 a bottle. The presentation involved a “water steward” who offered each diner a list of specialty waters from many regions of the world. Each presentation came with an education about the water’s properties that made it desirable over another brand.

This was all an elaborate hoax, because the water actually came from a garden hose. Aside...

Six Scary Things About Buying Custom Office Furniture That Could Ruin…
Six Scary Things About Buying Custom Office Furniture That Could Ruin…

Buying office furniture is not normally one of those things you would think of putting on your “scary things” list, but when you consider how important your business is—and how much your business depends upon its use and function—certain realities can really upset your apple cart.

Imagine having a super-important meeting scheduled. Customers are flying in to meet with you. You want to make a great impression, but you find out that the modern conference table you ordered, custom-made, is not going to arrive in time.

What happens when your new ...

How Bad Office Design Can Affect the Language Communicated by Your Business
How Bad Office Design Can Affect the Language Communicated by Your Business

You’ve heard the old saying: “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” If you’re thinking that sounds a bit cliché, you’re right. In reality, there is a lot of truth wrapped up in that small statement. It’s the “how” part of the “saying” that’s screaming all the other things your words are not—e.g., tone, voice inflection, and facial expression, just to name a few. Experts say the how elements make up more than 90% of what you are communicating.

For this reason, good communicators work just as hard on how they say what they must convey as ...

Boston Law Office Gets a Redesign
Boston Law Office Gets a Redesign

Our clients have such a commitment to their business and getting things perfect, as they see it and feel it; their workspace has to communicate that same integrity to their customers.

As with most clients we work with the Law Office of Esther C.S. Dezube in Boston MA, wanted to redesign and modernize their offices with furniture that was unique while being of good quality.

Green Square Customer Story
Green Square Customer Story

There is no question sometimes you need fast solutions for your business. Often fast solutions may not be available or the best ones. When it comes to finding instant solution for a modern reception desks, one that will be representative of the spirit of the company, it’s not something that can most likely be done in a hurry. There are endless things that need to fit in place like; getting the right size, having the perfect color match, locating a quality that best represents you or meeting opening deadlines.

In the case of Green Square in Tra...

Warner Bros. Annual Convention
Warner Bros. Annual Convention

When Warner Bros. held their annual convention at the Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami, they called on 90 Degree Office Concepts because they had special requirements to satisfy their needs that were a challenge for them to resolve. They needed a reception desk that was first of all, modern in it appearance. It had to be white in color and be a special size so as to fit in the elevator. It had to be delivered fully assembled due to their setup time restraints. Most importantly, it had to be delivered within a weeks’ time.

Farasis Energy finds the perfect reception station
Farasis Energy finds the perfect reception station

When Farasis Energy, Inc. went looking for a modern reception desk for their expanded facility in Hayward, CA, in the San Francisco Bay area, they looked high and low, open to any option that would be suitable in size and presentation for their impressive facility. After searching for some time, they could not find the perfect fit for their needs. By happenstance they discovered 90 Degree Office Concepts.

USOC Customer Story
USOC Customer Story

When USOC Medical, a biomedical equipment company located in Irvine, California, found 90 Degree Office Concepts online, they were looking for a modern reception desk that would stand out in their new building’s reception area. They contacted 90 Degree on the rebound…which means they were set to buy a reception desk from another vendor when they found us. They found out, after some time had passed, that in order to get the reception-desk size, color, and style they wanted from the other supplier, they would have had to wait 14 weeks.